Rabu, 21 September 2011

Java Tutorials for Beginners, Intermediate & Game Development

Java Tutorials for Beginners, Intermediate & Game Development
English | 640x360 | H264 | 15fps 332kbps | AAC 64kbps | 1.33GB
Genre: eLearning

Java tutorials for Beginners
Author - TheNewBoston
Source - TheNewBoston

It consists of 3 levels:
1. Beginner [2010]
2. Intermediate [2010]
3. Game Development [2010]

This series covers the following list of topics.
1. Beginner
01 - Installing the JDK
02 - Running a Java Program
03 - Downloading Eclipse
04 - Hello YouTube
05 - Variables
06 - Getting User Input
07 - Building a Basic Calculator
08 - Math Operators
09 - Increment Operators
10 - If Statement
11 - Logical Operators
12 - Switch Statement
13 - While Loop
14 - Using Multiple Classes
15 - Use Methods with Parameters
16 - Many Methods and Instances
17 - Constructors
18 - Nested if Statements
19 - else if Statement
20 - Conditional Operators
21 - Simple Averaging Program
22 - for Loops
23 - Compound Interest Program
24 - do while Loops
25 - Math Class Methods
26 - Random Number Generator
27 - Introduction to Arrays
28 - Creating an Array Table
29 - Summing Elements of Arrays
30 - Array Elements as Counters
31 - Enhanced for Loop
32 - Arrays in Methods
33 - Multidimensional Arrays
34 - Table for Multi Arrays
35 - Variable Length Arguments
36 - Time Class
37 - Display Regular time
38 - Public, Private and this
39 - Multiple Constructors
40 - Set and Get Methods
41 - Building Objects for Constructors
42 - toString
43 - Composition
44 - Enumeration
45 - EnumSet range
46 - Static
47 - More on Static
48 - final
49 - Inheritance
50 - Graphical User Interface GUI
51 - GUI with JFrame
52 - Event Handling
53 - ActionListner
54 - Event Handler Program
55 - Intoduction to Polymorphism
56 - Polymorphic Arguements
57 - Overriding Rules
58 - Abstract and Concrete Classes
59 - Class to Hold Objects
60 - Array Holding Many Objects
61 - Simple Polymorphic Program
62 - JButton
63 - JButton Final Program
64 - JCheckBox
65 - The Final Check Box Program
66 - JRadioButton
67 - JRadioButton Final Program
68 - JComboBox
69 - Drop Down List Program
70 - JList
71 - JList Program
72 - Multiple Selection List
73 - Moving List Items Program
74 - Mouse Events
75 - MouseListener interface
76 - MouseMotionListener interface
77 - Adapter Classes
78 - File Class
79 - Creating Files
80 - Writing to Files
81 - Reading from Files
82 - Exception Handling
83 - FlowLayout
84 - Drawing Graphics
85 - JColorChooser
86 - Drawing More Stuff
87 - Series Finale

2. Intermediate
01 - Common String Methods
02 - Some More String Methods
03 - Recursion
04 - Introduction to Collections
05 - ArrayList Program
06 - LinkedList
07 - LinkedList Program
08 - Converting Lists to Arrays
09 - Collections Method sort
10 - Methods reverse and copy
11 - Collections Methods fill
12 - addAll
13 - frequency, disjoint
14 - Stacks, push, pop
15 - Queue
16 - HashSet
17 - Generic Methods
18 - Implementing a Generic Method
19 - Generic Return Types
20 - Introduction to Applets
21 - How to put an Applet on a Website
22 - init for Applets
23 - Drawing an Oval with Slider
24 - Building the Window for the Slider
25 - Finishing the Oval Slider Program
26 - Learning about Threads
27 - What do I look like, a Thread-

3. Game Development
01 - Threads
02 - Starting Threads
03 - Creating a Screen for Games
04 - Restoring Screen Size
05 - Creating a Full Screen Display
06 - Making Text Smooth
07 - Loading Images
08 - Beginning Animation
09 - Changing Scenes
10 - Finishing the Animation Class
11 - Loading Pictures for the Movie
12 - Main Movie Loop
13 - Completing the Animation
14 - Making a Better Screen Class
15 - Finding Compatible Modes
16 - Comparing Display Modes
17 - Full Screen with Buffer Strategy
18 - Updating Display and Restore Screen
19 - Compatible Buffer Images
20 - Creating Display Modes List
21 - Run and Movie Loop Methods
22 - Finishing the Perfect Animation
23 - Introduction to Sprites
24 - Finishing the Sprite Class
25 - Starting the Sprites Movement
26 - Watching the Sprite Move
27 - Creating a Core Class
28 - Intro to Keyboard Input
29 - Handling Key Events
30 - Final Keyboard Input
31 - User Mouse Input
32 - Final Mouse Input
33 - Intro to Mouselook
34 - Mouselooks draw Method
35 - Using the Robot
36 - Final Mouselook Program

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